Welcome to Union Farms of Africa (UFA)

Union Farms of Africa (UFA) is a group of cooperatives / companies using AI to solve food insecurity in Africa. UFA produces high-yielding planting materials and creates markets for its farmers. AI helps UFA monitor crops, predict events, and increase production.

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Our Vision

Our vision is to ensure organic food and nutrition security across Africa and to pursue economic growth and social capital development, including empowering youth and women while reducing environmental degradation.

Our Mission

Our mission is to reduce poverty and increase livelihood and employment through a resilience-based and market-driven approach in pursuit of a Pan-African strategy towards AI-powered climate-smart and organic agriculture, as well as supporting value chains and market development.


To reduce poverty, increase livelihoods and employment, and promote environmentally responsible agricultural practices while developing robust value chains and market opportunities for a thriving Pan-African agricultural sector.


Our Compasionate journey

In the heart of Cameroon, where the lush green landscapes stretch as far as the eye can see, lies a vision that is set to transform the very fabric of agriculture. Union Farms of Africa, a beacon of innovation and sustainability, is poised to write a new chapter in the story of farming through an ambitious project that blends tradition with cutting-edge technology. Let us embark on a journey through the fields of imagination and possibility as we unveil the narrative of Union Farms.

UFA is a prominent international agricultural group of cooperatives/companies dedicated to sustainable farming practices and the advancement of agricultural technology.



  • Cereal Seeds Breeding
  • Soil and Water Analysis
  • Drones Aviation Training and crop Spraying
  • Agribusiness Coaching, Mentoring, and Training
  • Agribusiness Coaching, Mentoring, and Training
  • Farm Development
  • Diseases Control
  • Agritour and Green Cities/Villages
  • Digital Farm Attendance and Management
  • Agribusiness Commodities Trading under AfCFTA and linkages
  • AI-Powered Agribusiness Microfinance and Crop Insurance
  • Get access to exclusive offers
  • AI Crop Monitoring, mapping, surveillance, farm digitalization
  • African Indigenous Carbon Trading
  • Pan Africa  Agribusiness Trading
  • AI-Powered Food Laboratory
  • Pan African AI-Powered Agribusiness College/University
  • Renewable Energy
  • Mobile Food Processing parks and mobile farm mechanization squadrons
  • Seed Bank
  • Organic Fertilizer production and establishment of UFA global organic food hubs

The impacts we have made in our community

Empowering Farmers / Community Development

Farmers business school (FBS) from 2015 to 2021, UFA in collaboration with the German Development Corporation (GIZ), Cameroon Ministry of Agriculture and  Rural Development trained six batches of 5000 indigenous farmers across Cameroon on basic skills of migrating from farmer to agribusiness men and women.Community Development  introduce the use of drones and Artificial Intelligence in transforming the farming landscape in Cameroon. 


Locations worldwide




Years experience


Unique Units

We can create a better Tomorrow

Support our initiatives to empower farmers and promote sustainable agriculture.

Join our movement for the latest farming technology

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